
The importance of SpaceX’s flight to the ISS

Tomorrow (May 19) will mark what is arguably one of the biggest events in space since July 20, 1969, when Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon.  This month will be the first time in history that NASA is relying on a private company to deliver food to outer space. SpaceX will launch an unmanned craft tomorrow bringing supplies to [...]

Amazing view of the Earth from the International Space Station

Amazing view of the Earth from the International Space Station.  Shot by the astronauts of Expedition 30 on the International Space Station, these time-lapse videos capture magnificent views of auroras, city lights at night and dazzling lightning storms. Want to see if for yourself?  Contact

Asteroid Mining and Private Spaceflight – Creating the future of space exploration

Entrepreneurs Eric Anderson and Peter Diamandis founded Space Adventures in 1998. Since then Space Adventures has arranged all eight of the trips to the International Space Station taken by private citizens, including Microsoft software architect Charles Simonyi and Cirque du Soleil founder Guy Laliberté ( Last week Eric and Peter, along with Larry Page and Eric Schmidt of Google, Ross [...]

Apr 30, 2012|